Knox County man to serve 9 years for producing child pornography

Robert Alexander Grisham was sentenced to spend nine years in prison for producing child pornography. Grisham was convicted in April of especially aggravated sexual exploitation of a minor, observation without consent and unlawful photographing in violation of privacy.

Investigators say Grisham secretly recorded a minor “in a state of undress before and after showering” sometime during June 2014. They said he used his cellphone to secretly record a minor in the bathroom. His wife testified that she found and deleted the video.

Forensic computer examiners with the Knoxville Police Department’s Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force were able to recover the deleted video.

District Attorney General Charme P. Allen said it was a victory for her office. “These types of cases are very difficult for police and prosecutors because of the horrible subject matter involved,” said Allen. “I’m sure it was just as difficult for the jury to view the evidence, and I thank them for their service. The community is safer with this perpetrator off the streets tonight.”